The Arrangement Author Suzanne Lossia


The goal of Suzanne Lossia charitable fund is to enrich the quality of life for mothers and raise the awareness of the issues they face. We also provide financial assistance for families, including single and homeless mothers. 

Ending Abuse

There are both physical and mental obstacles to leaving an abuser. Some mothers are unable to walk away due to fear of financial security. Basic needs, such as a place to live and employment, need to be met. We will help you change the future by helping mothers and children have a second chance at a better life. 

Suzanne Lossia, was raised to only be a homemaker and had no education or opportunity for employment. After 10 years of marriage and 2 children, she filed for divorce. Lossia family disowned her, left the marriage with nothing, Lossia was faced with hardship with her 2 children, Lossia understands the struggles and hopes to make a difference.

Please join the Suzanne Lossia Charitable Fund by donating to the cause, Any donation will be appreciated. Suzanne believes this was her calling, and we look forward to the success stories from woman and children foundation will assist you.we will help change the future by helping these mothers and children begin a better life donate now ..